ANSI codes that COM: responds to. [ ] - contains optional parts of the command. 'n' and 'm' - always a decimal number, having one or more ASCII digits to express its value. Where there is '[n]' and 'n' is not used, it usually defaults to '1'. Backspace 08 Line Feed (down one line) 0A Up (up one line) 0B Form Feed (clear screen) 0C Carriage Return (move to first column) 0D Shift in (turn off 'Shift out') 0E Shift out (set MSB of each char before displaying) 0F (Control sequence introducer) 1B 5B or 9B Reset 1B 63 Insert n characters [n] 40 Cursor up n lines [n] 41 Cursor down n lines [n] 42 Cursor forward n lines [n] 43 Cursor backward n lines [n] 44 Cursor down n lines and to column 1 [n] 45 Cursor up n lines and to column 1 [n] 46 Cursor to row n column m [n] [3B m] 48 Erase to end of display 4A Erase to end of line 4B Insert line above current line 4C Delete current line 4D Delete n chars from under cursor forward [n] 50 Scroll display up n lines [n] 53 Scroll display down n lines [n] 54 Set mode (line feed -> line feed + carrage return) 32 30 68 Reset mode (line feed -> line feed) 32 30 6C Select graphic rendition s 3B 33 f 3B 34 b 6D Where: 's' (style) = 30 : plain text 31 : Bold-face 33 : Italic 34 : Underscore 37 : Inverse-video 'f' (text color) and 'b' (background color) = 30 : System color 0 34 : System color 4 31 : System color 1 35 : System color 5 32 : System color 2 36 : system color 6 33 : System color 3 37 : system color 7